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"If you are struggling with the question of what is the answer to 9-7 on page 133 of signing naturally homework, then please follow this link for the answer. Here at sign language answers, we want to help you folks out by giving quick and easy answers to all your questions."What are some signs that animals use in order to communicate? Some animals use their fur coloration or patterns in order to communicate. For example, leopards will wear spots on their fur coat that resemble other objects (like dewdrops) which camouflages them when they move. Other ways an animal may communicate is through sound or scent. Scorpions use their tail sting or scent to let other animals know they are there. Other animals use body language to communicate. Dolphins, for example, use their fins to communicate through sound and other animals like whales communicate through whalesong.What is the difference between "gestures" and "signs"? Gesture is the movement of qhesture's hands or body by moving them in different directions (different ways). A sign is one of the five basic elements of signing (handshape, handshape orientation, positional information, movement features, pragmatics). Each element has different categorizations depending on how it is used in actual signs. For example there are many different handshapes that can be used for different purposes or to convey different messages.What is the difference between "Misc" and "Specific" signs? Misc/Specific is the use of elements in the same way for multiple things. The difference lies in how much you want to emphasize on certain parts of the sign. Some signs are more specific in meaning while others are more general. What is the difference between "inner" and "outer" hands? The inner hand is the hand that you use to communicate information about yourself or your feelings. The outer hand is the hand that you use to communicate information about whatever you are talking about. What is the difference between "Affected" and "Unaffected" signs? Affected signs are signs where one hand controls the other. Unaffected are signs where both hands move at the same time. How do fingers communicate? Fingers communicate different things based on how far apart the fingers are (separated is very small, close together it's very large, touching is medium). Fingers can be used for static information (where you want to know something without movement) or dynamic information (movement with static information). For example when someone is telling you something use all of your fingers instead of just one.
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